Best Burglar Deterrents
According to the FBI, a burglar strikes every 25.7 seconds in America. This adds up to over two burglaries every minute and more than 3,300 per day. Find out our top picks for simple burglar deterrents you can use to help keep your home and property safe. In a State of Safety survey, about 62% respondents named break-in as their top most property crime worry. Despite that, only 24% Americans said that they have a home security system installed.
Unfortunately the crime rate in general is on the rise. This calls for necessary and quick measures to protect your property, valuables, and loved ones. The good news is that there are a number of burglary prevention tools and tips that can help deter thefts and make your property safer.
Surveys and interviews conducted with the property owners and burglars have shown that the following burglar deterrents have proven effective in stopping thieves from breaking in.
Strong Doors & Window with Top Quality Locks
The first thing burglars assess is the security of the most common entry points, which are the doors and the windows. Strong heavy doors and windows with high quality locks are the foremost deterrents for intruders. If burglars have a choice, they would prefer entering through a door, as breaking a window might cause a heavier sound and the glass may also injure them.
All your doors should have deadbolts. The most effective ones are installed with a box strike plate that rests on your door jamb. Strike plate is the door’s most vulnerable point, so instead of the standard one inch screw, install a box strike plate using three inch screws. It is always best to install a combination of locks as it will take more time and effort on the part of the burglar to manipulate different locks.
Invest in high quality security doors and don’t forget to secure the door frames. Pay special attention to strengthening the door jambs. If a burglar fails to manipulate the lock, he will try to break the door frame. This is why no matter how effective a lock may be, it is certainly not the only thing to be aware of.
As for windows, always choose at least a double paned window with toughened glass. To prevent the thief from opening sliding windows, fasten them with a metal bar or wooden dowel as an extra security measure. You can also add security bars to some or all of the windows. They are now available in different designs and styles which won’t spoil the look rather add to the aesthetic appeal.
Home Security Cameras with Motion Sensors
The quality of home security systems has improved a great deal over the recent years. They now come with built-in passive infrared motion sensors and are also weatherproof. Just make sure you are not using indoor cameras for outside use.
A number of these home security cameras also offer monitoring service and most have light as well as alarm system relay outputs/inputs. The latest home security cameras are wireless and have a monitoring software which means if you have access to the internet you can login from anywhere to check on your property. But bear in mind CCTV security equipment is only useful when it is a part of an overall security system. They will not be effective if they’re the sole security measure in place.
Alarm Systems & Sirens
Burglars obviously hate attention. This is why sirens and alarms are effective in deterring them. Simply having a company alarm sign to mislead the burglar can do more harm than good. This is because if you don’t really have a functioning alarm system it means you are only relying on the power of persuasion and are actually defenseless against the more daring and experienced burglars. Secondly, burglars usually force a window or door open and if there isn’t any audible siren, they will instantly know you have no alarm system installed. In homes that have an alarm system in place, burglars usually wait outside or near your home to check if an officer actually responds to the alarm. If nobody attends to your home, they’ll consider it safe to break in. You must make sure that you have a reliable company’s alarm system installed and have it checked from time to time to ensure it is working properly.
Security Lighting with Motion Sensors
The importance of the presence of outdoor and indoor security lighting with motion sensors must not be undervalued. Ask any burglar what they hate the most about their job and they’ll tell you it’s a flash of bright light exposing them as they approach a target. These lights should be an integral part of your security system. The remote sensors automatically light up dark areas leaving no space for the intruder to hide and do his dirty job.
Fencing also serves to deter burglars if it is difficult to climb through. First of all the fence needs to be very strong and secondly the top needs to be high enough and should have sharpened points.
Other Deterrents
Take care of minute details of your house as they may be noticed and taken advantage of by the burglars. You must trim hedges and keep them below your window so as to avoid providing the intruder space to hide.
You should not forget chairs, portable staircase, tables and other items outside as they may be used by burglars for climbing and moving from one spot to another.
A barking dog is as effective in deterring thieves as a security system. As burglars hate attention, a loud dog may force them to find a quiet target.